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Arnav Das

Lies about them ( Design-fiction)

Karl Marx had the described the taking of lands and natural resource as the original “Big Bang “that

ignited modern capital formation, calling it '' primitive accumulation '' .

Social theorist David Harvey builds on Hannah Arendt’s insight with his notion of '' accumulation of Dispossession '' . What accumulation by dispossession does is to release as set of assets…

At very low (and in some instances zero) cost. Over accumulated capital can seize hold of such assets

and immediately turn them to profitable use. “

20 decades from then, few intelligent sentients grasped, that human experience could be extracted at no extra cost online and at a very low cost out in the real world, where “sensors are really cheap, stated by Moore's Law.

“Once extracted, it is rendered as behavioural data, producing a surplus that forms the basis of a wholly new class of exchange market. Surveillance capitalism originates in this act of digital dispossession. Declaration of fourth fictional commodity expropriated from the experiential realities of human beings, their thoughts, feelings. Predictions of our thoughts, future Bets on our behaviours turned to be more lucrative.

Under this comic shift the global reach of computer mediation is repurposed as an extraction

architecture. Hardware, software, algorithm, sensors, a car, cell phone, book, video, robot,

chip, drone, camera, cornea, tree, television, watch, nanobot, flora fauna, they all share the same purpose: behaviour surplus capture.

The accumulation of behaviour surplus is used to generate instant suggestions and persuasions, human behaviour, thought, feelings are more lucrative then any thing else.Growing number of “always on” consumer, public devices & systems that surreptitiously record the communications of consumers in their homes and may constitute unlawful surveillance.The extent the of capturing has led to the formation of thought hackers and thought markets.

The thought hackers are available in masses around us, in every object, thing, ally, street, building, streetlight, traffic light. They wait to hear our conversations/murmurs, they sneak up to map our gaze.

They listen, observe & map our behaviours, conversations, gaze, extract the attributes & substantive thought from them , use them to re-align their own persuasions and proportions to lure us to their services and offerings.

Now, the casual pondering at the dinner table was, “how to hide from these that hides from us “.

'' The telescreen received and transmitted simultaneously. Any sound that Winston made , above the level of a very low whisper ,would be picked up by it; moreover ,so long as he remained within the field of vision which the metal plaque commanded, he could be seen as well as heard. There was of course no way of knowing whether you were being watched at any given moment.''

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- George orwell ( 1984 )

Early prototype of Thoughthacker

Researchers & designers at designed and conceptualised the Thoughthacking objects/things, the video above reveals, how these thoughhacking objects spread their field of view in space.



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