Areas : speculative design , design fiction, experience design, system design , data driven ,
social internet of things , predictive learning , ethics of technology , Governance of AI ,
Human centred AI ( HAI), Philosophy, sociology.
Areas : speculative design , design fiction, experience design, system design , data driven ,
social internet of things , predictive learning , ethics of technology , Governance of AI ,
Human centred AI ( HAI), Philosophy, sociology.
OYO Hotels & Homes, a young global hotel startup,
today is the world’s leading chain of hotels, homes, and spaces. The portfolio combines fully operated real estate comprising more than 43,000 hotels with over 1 million rooms. Through its vacation homes business, the company offers travellers and city dwellers access to over 130,000 homes around the world. OYO today operates in over 800 cities in 80 countries.
OYO Hotels & Homes, a young global hotel startup,
today is the world’s leading chain of hotels, homes, and spaces. The portfolio combines fully operated real estate comprising more than 43,000 hotels with over 1 million rooms. Through its vacation homes business, the company offers travellers and city dwellers access to over 130,000 homes around the world. OYO today operates in over 800 cities in 80 countries.
Learnings from my ethnographic study.
- Myth of cosmetic identity doesnot work in ethnography.
- Ethnography investigates lived expereince not face value.
- My own frame limits the endless interpretation.
- A group defines what is real & not real.
- Facts are depended on the belief systems we have.
- Knowing the other means knowing myself.
- Material fact is social construct by any group.
- There is no objective truth reality out there , cannot be observed
from a unbiased view.
- More data- Richer interpretations.
- Ethnography cannot exist with " I " .
- Everything is a part of the larger socio-cultural context.
- Persona is by sound. ( Hyperspace - Michio kaku )
- Critical theory ( Karl marx) : Where I wish to understand the
oppressive & domination power structures. To understand domination
& wish to change that.
- Critical theory ( Karl marx) : Where I wish to understand the
oppressive & domination power structures. To understand domination
& wish to change that.
- Democracy : Right to actively dissent.
- Do not value judge the social group.Phenemenon of great surprise are
where insight lies. Describe in great detail, what exactly happened .
- Participate & observe at the same time .Note the cause and effect of
the conversation.
- Am I able to accept their worldview without passing judgement ?
- How is the group going to get benefitted by my study ?
- Auditory aura- Presence.
- willingness to engage - Am I willing to engage, Irrespective of the
context, mood ? Mood is central. Mood is existential. Difficult to describe.
- what is the experience of your phenemenon?
( The fight - Norman mailer )
- Fantasy- something where we have never been.
Don't describe which we haven't experienced.
- All metaphors are bodily experiences we live by. Spatial body experiences.